Friday, 31 May 2013

31st of May: The Day that huge Asteroid passed Earth

Today at 1:59 p.m. Pacific (4:59 p.m. Eastern / 20:59 UTC), an asteroid that is the size of half a football field and weighing several hundreds of tons, traveling about 8 times faster than the speed of sound, passed the Earth by a cosmological inch, which is, in simple terms, closer than the hundreds of weather, mobile, military, and other types of satellites orbiting our planet. 


It got me thinking, what happened if that asteroid were to have hit us? Then a bunch of deep questions popped into my head such as: Was I happy? Did I make others happy? Did I waste my time? Did I love as much as I could have? Did I laugh as much as I would have liked? Just to list a few. Unfortunately, the answer to most of these questions were not entirely positive. Fortunately, however, that asteroid did not smash into the Earth we call home, and entirely wipe us out! My goal now is to change all those negative answers to positive answers. The biggest thing that I would like to change about myself is my perspective and attitude towards people, towards myself and the things that I do. I want to live my life free of judgement, free of failure, and most definitely free of the negativity we all tend to hold on to dearly for not good reason. 

How will I change? I am not entirely sure, but this is what I think I will do:

I will stop judging myself.

When I stop judging myself about things like how I think of my appearance, my ability in certain things,  and mistakes and bad choices that I made in the past, so will the entire world. Honestly, if you think that "Oh, this person probably thinks I am ugly." Do you think that person actually thinks that? Did they actually tell you this? I am terribly self-conscious about my skin, it is not entirely perfect, but it is not bad either. I just wish that my skin would get better! 

I will stop wishful thinking.

I absolutely hate wishful thinking. All it does is build up expectations, and when those expectations are not met, it will only simply make one feel absolutely disappointed and fall into a deeper hole than the one that they were already in! So about my skin, I have been doing things to help improve my physical and mental self image: 
- I exercise to build a nice and toned body
- I eat healthy to help improve my complexion 
- I do yoga to improve blood circulation and also help my body in other ways
- I think positively 
- I take a proactive approach to improve my skin like using: Eskinol, witch hazel, appropriate skin care products for my skin, and all that I have listed above. 

But not only that! We all have those thoughts and desires where we wish to be incredibly good at something. I heard a lot of people saying: Alexander, how can you learn so many languages? I simply say it is something I am passionate about and I practice it as much as I can everyday! We all have our own special gifts, but what is important is not wishing that we were perfectly programmed. We simply have to discover our talents and attributes and make them better. 

I will stop waiting.

Not that I am saying that I will become impatient and want whatever it is that I want NOW NOW NOW! No, what I mean is that I will stop making excuses and start doing the things that I want in my life: I want to be healthy, I want to be smart, I want to be rich, but most importantly I want to be a good friend, a good son, and a good person in society. I want to start now, it is never too late, until an asteroid hits and then, yeah, then it would be too late. 

I will finish all the books that I have been putting off for the past few... weeks *cough* by reading at least 2 chapters a night, or when I have some me time, read a few pages until I have to start work again. 

I will stop hating, being negative, being like the people I dislike.

Sometimes I ask myself "Why the heck did God put such a horrible person like this on this planet?" Well, soon enough I found the answer, and it was on facebook, a facebook quote to be exact, and it said: 

Is that not true? I think it really gives me a better perspective on the people in my life. The people that I absolutely detest have taught me who I should not be because they are the example of what I would become! I do not want to grow up old, rude, and ugly! Rather, I want to be kind, helpful, steadfast, upright, confident, loyal, true, tolerant, and a bunch of other nice and manly (and feminine) adjectives! 

I will admit my errors, I will forgive the wrong doings of others, and I will move on.

No one is perfect, and I certainly know that I am not perfect, myself. 

I will not bow down to anyone! 

Most likely only to God, but to someone on this planet? Most likely not! Even if they have a gun pointed to my head, they mean nothing to me and if I meant something to them, why would they be even pointing a gun to my head?! I will not be rude, but I will be assertive. NO ONE SHOULD BE A PUSH OVER! 

But most importantly:

I will be Happy.

Everyday, I will think of one thing that made me really happy yesterday and think of how I can make one person happy today. What made me happy yesterday was that my mom got me a MacBook Air. I was undeniably happy.. omg <3 mummzies I wabz youz. What I do does not have to be incredibly huge like buying them a car, but perhaps making that one person I choose to laugh, to smile, to simply be happy, by doing a small deed for them. I guess I could start doing the dishes. (I hate doing the dishes...) But honestly, and truly, when you make someone happy, you feel even happier!! 

Well, these are just a few things I have thought about... literally the list GOES ON! 

Do we really have to wait until the brink of destruction for us to change?