Monday, 3 June 2013

I thank her for calling me Ugly.

Oh man, where do I begin? This is actually going to be a really long entry, tonight. 

Way back in high school, I remember that I was working two jobs, while studying in my final year. It was not easy at all, especially since I also had a heart condition. But I fought on, I studied hard, and I did my best to handle the stress. One job was working at CrossIron Mills Mall. I was an aromatherapist, or that is what they wanted me to think. I was selling essential oils at rather ridiculously high prices. What made that job horrible was not what I did, but the location and what I was handling. Before I started working, my skin was actually pretty damn good. I had not one blemish, I had not one wrinkle, but over the course of about 7 months, my skin started to get red and my cheeks started to break out, but only ever so slightly, but what made it worse was that I was working in front of the god damn food court! Where all the oils, dirt, and crap were floating around. But after working at the Mall, I would have to commute to the Calgary International Airport where I worked for 9 months, with absolutely horrible, pathetic, useless, creatures. I am glad that is all that they have ever amounted to because that type of job is all that they will ever have! (Sorry! Check out my Ranting Corner Blog) Anyways, the air in the airport was absolutely filthy, and the people that I worked with stressed the heck out of me, thus my stress hormones were sky rocketing! I then broke out on my chin and, well, my self esteem went crashing. The reason why I quit the airport was not because of my lack of self esteem, but because of the floor manager that works there. (I will include a lot of shit about her in my Rant!) 

Before my first year at University, I gave myself one month to rest and relax. So finally after high school and working two jobs, I got one month break. I thought that was all I needed to get back into gear, but I was so wrong for when University started, I still looked rather ratchet. I have my school ID! I will probably upload a photo of it when I feel like it, but I look absolutely horrible. My Korean friend said that I look like a prisoner. Yeah, that is how bad I looked, and essentially felt about myself. But that all changed one late evening. Actually, I have to thank this bitchy white chick for waking me up. What happened was that one late night, I was walking on the second level through an empty, brick floored hallway in my University. I was thinking to myself, "Wow! Is it ever quiet!" But the silence was broken when I heard this girl say, "Jesus Christ, that guy is UGLY!" Rather than saying, "Well, that is rather rude! I am not ugly." I said to myself, "She is right.. I do not really feel like I like the way I look." That was when I started taking care of myself, focusing on my hair, clothing, and eye glasses. I dyed my hair light brown. It actually looked really nice on me when I finally chopped off that bird nest that was resting on my head. Next, I met a Korean girl who lectured me on my appearance and said that I should change my clothing. We went shopping and, well, she has good taste in clothing, and then finally my eye glasses. I looked rather sharp with my new style! But even though I could change my hair, clothing, and body accessories, I did not like how my face looked. I started doing yoga thrice a week, I started drinking tea, I started using face products, and even skin lighteners, and then finally, I started doing face massages (check out my entry on "Things I do on lazy days like these" for the link to the face massage). 

Now two years later, I look, feel, and am happier, healthier, and smexier! I thank that girl for waking me up! I thank her for saying that horrible, degrading thing. I thank her for telling me the truth when no one else would, for not even I would have liked to say something like that to myself. 

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