Saturday, 1 June 2013

June the 1st!

Yay! So finally we have reached the half way through the year! WHO HERE IS EXCITED?! 

I know I am. I have a few things I would like to do this month, starting with today.

In my blog yesterday I said that the best time to start anything is, well, NOW! For the first of this month I want to start it off just right, with just the right amount of exercise, beauty, and most importantly an effort. I also want to see my friends and family happy but I will start off with one person today and that will most likely be my mum. 

What my plans are for today?

1. Completely clean up my room.
2. Feed my lizard and puppy.
3. Do 30 minutes of exercise and 15 minutes of yoga. 
5. Find a really good book to read, I already have quite the collection so it should be too difficult.
6. Clean the kitchen. :P This is the good deed I shall do today, haha. 
7. Do my laundry.
8. Work on my vlogs
9. Find a really good album to buy.
10. Blog about my day!! (Although blogging is fun, I should do my best to blog at least once a day, rather than having several mini blogs about random stuff, I will just clump it into one large post.)

I will be productive and happy today!

I hope you all have a wonderful June the 1st!!! 

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