Saturday, 1 June 2013

Messed up dream ever..

Okay, you know how some people have actually very interesting dreams? Like having the ability to fly, go through walls, and have something fun going on? Yeah, the majority of my dreams are about zombies, shit filled toilets, and a bunch of phobias that scare the living shit out of me. 

So this is how my dream went:

I woke up on a dark green dingy couch one of my friends owned. The apartment was rather filthy, the walls were grey, clothing just thrown on the floor along with the many outdoor eatery boxes from weeks ago, and to add to that, his friends were over. Rubbing my eyes, I slowly threw my legs over the side of the couch and got up, I looked around at the people who where there and I walked up to someone who was staring at me. Apparently, my friend was moving his fridge and needed some help! "That explains the people here... but why is my professor sitting in the corner of the room with the cat?" I said in my head.
"Hey" said the guy that was staring at me. I looked upon him and all his hot glory, drooled slightly, and he mouthed the words "How are you? I think you are really cute. I will tell him you are cute," he ended. I was filled with happiness, but also fear because who the heck is he going to tell that I am cute? I turned the corner and entered into the kitchen, were a mirror was floating, and walked up to it and looked at myself. There was a huge ass fucking pimple between my brows. 

It was as if I teleported across the City to a Chinese dermatologist's office. I was sitting on the patients chair, waiting for her to do away with me and make me beautiful. The office was rather simple, white, dull, and boring, except there was one person sitting across from me. The odd thing was that that person was not moving, only for her eyes which later stopped, looking at me. 

As I pulled out a hand mirror from my jacket's pocket, the Chinese dermatologist appeared and wordlessly said "What can I do for you?" I looked into my hand mirror only to be shocked by the hideous sight of my face! It was covered in the most disgusting spots, and blotches, and even maggots were crawling around in and on it!! I started crying mouthing the words "What happened? Oh my god! Can you fix this? It has never been this bad before!" She moves over to her treatment plans, which were incredibly expensive, and pulls out a syringe in the dressers below, then I automatically pulled my pants down and she stuck a needle into my left cheek. I bit into the towel that was covering the chair because of the pain. Then a women comes into the room with her children completely oblivious to what was happening until I started moaning, she looked at me and incredulously said "Oh!" and started masturbating. 

I opened my eyes and simply said.. w.t.f? 

So that was my dream last night. I do not understand what it means. I guess from a small pimple to a unsightly, horrifying face, I was simply making a mountain of a mole hill about my insecurities and that the hot Russian guy and the hot Asian girl found me incredibly sexy. Maybe? 

I have no idea. Subconscious.. what are you telling me?

But when I did physically get up, I looked into the mirror and I saw that my face looked even better than I thought it did yesterday! I so feel pretty perky and happy. 

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