Monday, 3 June 2013

Things I do on lazy days like these.

Ironically, I had quite a lazy day! And today is a Monday! I guess I would not say that it was entirely wasted. Usually when there is nothing planned for the following day or that my plans on a particular day will have to be altered, I have a: Lazy Day Plan. This is what the plan includes:

1. Tidy up bed room/ house, if not feeling terribly lazy.
2. Eat breakfast/ lunch for about two hours, then sip on some tea while reading a good book. Currently I am finishing the Unfortunate Events series. I will probably whip up an opinion of each book as I finish them. 
3. Blast some music and eat some more.
4. Play games.
5. Read about random stuff on: 9gag, Reddit, The Metro (local news paper).

I believe that the most INTERESTING thing that I did today was that I did some research on face massages. I found several videos pertaining to it, but the most helpful and detailed explanation would be the Tanaka's Face Massages (link here: ) They are really simple, easy, and fun to do. Who does not want to look young, healthy, and happy? 

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