Sunday, 2 June 2013

Things were pretty twisted at Twisted, tonight.

Usually my days are filled with work, research for work, practical applications of the things that I researched for work, then stress at home, then studies, and then finally some me time, except imagine this for the past several years. It was not until I came out of the closet that my life lit up; my friend's eldest brother happen to hear that I am gay (more specifically bi) and he decided to introduce me to all the wonders of the gay community. Now, I am not being overly critical, but it is a kind of community that lacks compassion and is incredibly superficial. Any who, that will be another topic to be discussed later, but I must say this community certainly knows how to have a good time.

Tonight will mark the, perhaps 11th night that I have gone to the gay club, here in Calgary, called Twisted Element. It is a rather small club, but it is quite nice, by that I mean the people seem generally friendly, the bartenders are hot, and the music is good! What made this evening better than the past fortnights is that I had absolutely no expectations of what could happen at the club, I did not try to dance with anyone, I did not engage in anything with anyone because I know that I would be disappointed when I am turned down. Tonight, several guys kissed me, several people danced with me, and my friends and I, along with everyone else on the dance floor shaking our asses to Nicki Minaj and all that, had a blast. There were so many good looking guys there. I really wished that I was taller because dancing with tall people is awkward.. for the both of us. 

My friends and I are heading up to Edmonton for the upcoming gay pride parade this weekend! Again, I will have no expectations as to what may happen. I will keep a positive, accepting, and open mind to whoever comes my way. 

Any how, I am sleepy! Had such an enjoyable first day of the month! 

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